'#ikkai #strobecream #sahersaba Saher Squad, Welcome back to my channel. I was sent this vy Ikkai Team but opinions are mine. Link to get discount https://bit.ly/3l2zUNh Use discount code SAHER20 for an amazing discount. I hope you are enjoying my videos and I would love for your to subscribe to my channel, like and comment below. Also please share it with your family and friends!! I am on Instagram as @iamsaherahamed I would love for you to be my instafam. https://instagram.com/iamsaherahamed?igshid=2hg6ejat74sr For business enquires contact [email protected] Disclaimer -All opinions in today\'s video are my own. I will always state when a video is sponsored and I\'ve partnered with a brand . I cant guarantee that all of the makeup and skincare products I recommend will suit you. Please do a patch test products before using. Thank you guys for the support. Love always'
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